Newborn - Studio


* Client Name
* Phone Number
* Email
* Address
* Babies Sex
* Due Date or Birthdate
* Please list siblings that will be attending, and their ages
* If your new baby has any of the following, please let me know ahead of time so that I can be better prepared:
Please selected at least 1 answer
* How does your baby sleep?
* Check list reminder for your session
Please check to confirm you will bring the items
* Do you follow me on Social Media
I understand the session flow and that only mother and child will be permitted in the studio for the first 90 minutes. Father and siblings will arrive later for the family and siblings portion.
As per the prep guide above, this is to keep the studio as calm as possible for your baby and allows me to get the images required while baby sleeps.
I understand that if I don't use a Pacifer / Soother, the session will be immediately terminated.
You can purchase a soother in my Studio for $5.00 if you have forgotten one.
By checking this box, you confirm you have read the entire prep guide and to ensure a smooth session you will try adhere to the recommendations given.
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